Arcanum: Prime
Practice: Veiling
Primary Factor: Duration
Suggested Rote Skills: Politics, Stealth, Subterfuge

This spell cloaks the subject’s Nimbus from spells and effects that would read it, such as Supernal Vision or the ability of certain psychics to read emotional states in auras.

Any such effect is subject to a Clash of Wills.
Any effect that fails to pierce the veil registers the subject as an ordinary Sleeper.
Spells cast while under the influence of this spell do not cause the caster’s Immediate Nimbus to flare unless she chooses to.

Furthermore, while this spell is active the subject’s Signature Nimbus is muted; any attempt to scrutinize it with Mage Sight provokes a Clash of Wills.
If the scrutinizing mage fails, he is unable to find any identifiable traits in the Signature Nimbus.

If the subject takes any action that causes her Nimbus to flare, such as allowing it to do so when casting a spell or imprinting her Signature Nimbus on an object, this spell ends immediately.

+1 Reach: Rather than veiling her subject’s abilities completely, the mage may project the Nimbus of a lesser magician. For eachReach she applies, she may choose one of Gnosis, Mana, or any Arcanum she knows, and specify a value below her subject’s actual Trait rating. Any effect that fails to penetrate her veil registers the false Trait value. The mage cannot pretend to powers the subject does not have: An Adept of Prime can be masked to seem a mere Initiate, but cannot project the Nimbus of a Master, nor can she be made to seem an Apprentice of Space if she has no dots in that Arcanum.