Cost: • to •••

  • None

Your character is unnoticeable and inoffensive on a mystical level.

Any time a character tries to read your character’s aura, or otherwise use magic to discern bits of truth within her, subtract your Merit dots from their pool.

Normally, a mage’s spells carry with them a hint of his Nimbus. This Merit allows a mage to hide that, to metaphysically sweep that under a rug. Your character’s Signature Nimbus is faint, vague, and couched in more symbolism and oblique references than other mages’.

When someone attempts to scrutinize her Nimbus to identify her or track her, subtract your Merit dots from their rolls. The Withstanding level of sympathy for spells targeting the character has a minimum of her Occultation dots.

If your character ever gains the Fame Merit, or becomes noticed by the public at large, you can lose this Merit.