A mage with this level of proficiency with the intricacies of Fate has a sixth sense for powers intended to usurp control of his own destiny.

The mage can reflexively repel deleterious magic that will or could harm her fate. She can resist falling under the sway of a magical oath, for example, or shrug off psychic control.

The mage can reflexively use this Attainment under the following circumstances:

  • She is being forcibly bound into a magical oath, contract, or geas.
  • A supernatural compulsion to do something she does not wish to do is directed at her.
  • A supernatural effect is changing her destiny.

The mage is immediately aware when one of the above circumstances applies, and may protect herself by spending a point of Mana.

The character enters a Clash of Wills with the intruding power, using her Gnosis + Fate.