Arcanum: Life
Practice: Unveiling
Primary Factor: Duration
Suggested Rote Skills: Empathy, Animal Ken, Survival

The subject gains the ability to “speak” to any specimens of an animal specified by the mage during casting.

She usually speaks to it by making noises similar to its own sounds, but this is not necessary; the subject can speak in her own language and the magic “translates” her words for her.

This does not grant her any capability to control a creature, only to understand and be understood by it.

Animals have limited ability to understand things that transpire around them, especially as pertains to humans, but the subject gains a bonus to any Animal Ken rolls made with that animal equal to the spell’s Potency.
A bird may not understand just why the people went into the house across the street last night, for example, but it could give a general estimate of their number and unusual features like being covered in tattoos (“skin patterns”).

+1 Reach: The subject may communicate with all animals, instead of only a single species.