Arcanum: Death
Practice: Unmaking
Primary Factor: Duration
Cost: One Mana
Withstand: Composure
Suggested Rote Skills: Subterfuge, Persuasion, Stealth

The mage destroys the subject’s presence in the world, removing any evidence of her life or existence.

Any attempts to see the subject through mundane means of detection or observation fail completely.
Not only is she invisible to the naked eye, but evidence of her life is scrubbed.

All Doors she may have opened during social interactions with others, either on herself or on the other person, are removed.
All her Conditions, and all Conditions applying to her (except for Paradox Conditions), resolve without granting Beats.

While invisible, the subject cannot make violent, overt actions without breaking the spell’s illusion.
Physically damaging or breaking objects, or attacking someone, causes the spell to end immediately

Mages using Active Mage Sight make a Clash of Wills test against the subject, and the use of Focused Mage Sight reveals her to the mage using it.
Conditions do not return when the spell ends, but Doors return to their previous states.