Temporal Sympathy allows a mage to cast a Time spell at the past of a subject.

Not to be confused with the concept of Temporal Sympathy

The mage must be casting a spell on the subject as it exists now, cast at sensory range, use a sympathy Yantra, and spend one Mana.

The spell is Withstood by the fragility of the temporal sympathy between the mage and her subject, plus one Withstand level if the mage does not know the Sympathetic Name of the subject.

It is possible to combine this Attainment with Sympathetic Range to cast on a subject both in the past and at a distance beyond the sensory by paying to activate both Attainments, but unlike Sympathetic Range, the Temporal Sympathy Attainment can only be used on Time spells that call for it and other spells Combined with them.