
Subterfuge is the fine art of deception. With Subterfuge, a character can lie convincingly, recognize when she is being lied to, or convey hidden meaning in what she says

  • She can hide her own motivations and emotions
  • Generally, this Skill is used to trick others, but some characters learn it in order to avoid being tricked themselves


Sample Actions

Sample Specialties

  • Detecting lies
  • Hidden Meanings
  • Hiding Emotions
  • Long Cons
  • Misdirection

Sample Contacts

  • Con Artist
  • Crooked Politician
  • Out-of-work Actor


Examples and descriptions of someone at each level

Novice (1 dot)

  • The character has an excellent poker face, and rarely reveals what she is thinking

Professional (2 dot)

  • At this level, a character can pull of a good bluff or short con, often getting away without the victim even knowing they were had

Experienced (3 dot)

  • A character with this level in Subterfuge can keep track of complex webs of lies and double-dealing
  • Even suspicious people can’t tell when he is lying

Expert (4 dot)

  • This character can pull off complex con games with style
  • She can lie to your face without a flinch or a flicker of doubt

Master (5 dot)

  • Everyone likes and trusts this character
  • Everyone