Arcanum: Death
Practice: Unveiling
Primary Factor: Duration
Suggested Rote Skills: Socialise, Expression, Investigation

The mage is able to sense and communicate with ghosts within Twilight.

She can sense all ghosts within the area of effect, and is capable of communicating with them by simply talking, as long as the ghost is capable of understanding a language she speaks.
She may sense Anchors within the area without using Death Mage Sight.
She can concentrate on a single ghost within the area and determine its Rank, if it has an Anchor, and how many Anchors it has.

+1 Reach: The caster can determine if any of the Anchors she perceives are temporary (items in which the Anchor Condition has been placed temporarily through some kind of summoning) or permanent

+1 Reach: The caster can make herself understood by ghosts of Rank 2+ even if they do not speak the same language as her.