Cost: •+

  • Special

An Imbued Item is an item storing a spell that does not have an indefinite duration, and Mana with which to cast that spell.

When creating an Imbued Item for your game, choose a spell.
The item contains that spell, and a user (even a Sleeper) may trigger the spell if she knows the method of triggering. The method is usually a simple word or gesture, but the creator can make it as complex as he wishes. The spell always requires at least one point of Mana; if the spell would require Mana, use that amount.
If it would normally not require Mana, it requires one point. When a user triggers the spell, the player rolls to cast it with a dice pool of the spell’s Arcanum rating plus the user’s Gnosis (if Awakened).

Each dot purchased reflects one dot worth of the spell the item contains. If a spell uses multiple Arcana, use the highest to determine the cost for this Merit. Including a Utility Attainment in a spell effect (for example, an Imbued Item that can cast at Sympathetic Range) increases the cost by one dot for each Attainment included. Only Attainments that affect the imbued spell can be imbued.

By default, an Imbued Item has a single point of Mana. Points in this Merit (in excess of those required by the imbued spell) purchase a “battery” of two additional Mana each. This Mana can only be used to cast the spell within the item. Recharging the Mana reserves requires Mana and one hour per point. While an Imbued Item may only possess one triggered spell, the Merit is not limited to the normal five dots, because of this battery effect.

Imbued Items can be used to cast spells that risk Paradox, with the base Paradox dice per Reach of their user’s Gnosis (1 for unAwakened users.) Awakened users can spend the item’s Mana instead of their own to mitigate Paradox, but only up to the limit imposed by their Gnosis. Paradoxes from an Imbued Item cannot be contained, instead automatically releasing.

This Merit can be combined with the Enhanced Item Merit, but it cannot be combined with the Artifact Merit.