Arcanum: Space
Practice: Perfecting
Primary Factor: Duration
Withstand: Composure
Suggested Rote Skills: Crafts, Empathy, Persuasion

We all leave tiny, nigh-imperceptible webs of Sympathy behind us wherever we go. With this spell, the mage may bolster such a web into a useful sympathetic link.

Each level of Potency bolsters a single sympathetic connection by one “step,” from Weak to Medium, Medium to Strong. The mage can step up a non-existent connection to a Weak one, but only if the subject of the spell has been in contact with the desired focus within the last turn.
For example, a person likely has no sympathetic connection to the soda cup from her lunch, but as long as it’s in her hand, the mage can use the faint Sympathy created by physical contact to make the cup a sympathetic connection.

Add Time ••: The mage can employ Temporal Sympathy to bolster non-existent connections to anything the subject touched in the target time.