Arcanum: Forces
Practice: Ruling
Primary Factor: Duration
Suggested Rote Skills: Athletics, Occult, Science

The mage can redirect the force of gravity in an area.

She can alter the direction of its pull, causing affected objects to “fall” upwards or horizontally.
She can’t do more than change its direction at this level, but she can make it nearly impossible to approach a specific object or area without some means of overcoming gravity, like flight or climbing gear.

Anyone and anything affected by the spell that is not secured “falls” in the direction chosen by the caster.
Victims may suffer damage if they collide with objects.
Someone trapped in an area where gravity propels him upward might be stuck falling to the edge of the spell’s radius, then back down again as normal gravity takes over, only to fall upward again as he enters the spell’s area.

A person or creature capable of action can make a roll to escape, at the Storyteller’s discretion, by grabbing onto a nearby object or otherwise finding the means to control her position.