Arcanum: Space
Practice: Unmaking
Primary Factor: Duration
Suggested Rote Skills: Academics, Larceny, Socialise

This spell excises a subject from Space altogether, removing all paths from it to the rest of the world and vice versa.

For all intents and purposes, the subject simply ceases to exist and reality “fills in” to adjust.
A Quarantined house doesn’t leave behind an empty lot; rather, its two neighbouring houses suddenly find themselves adjacent.
A building with a Quarantined 12th floor appears to only have 11 stories — though the elevator has a “12” button, it doesn’t do anything. Those inside the Quarantined area find that they cannot leave — any attempt to do so simply loops back through whatever door they passed through.

They are, in effect, in a Pocket Dimension — albeit one that, because it is actually an excised piece of the Fallen World, possesses its own Time, Twilight, and so forth.

+1 Reach: The mage may specify a Key that allows access to and from the Quarantined area.

Add Mind ••••: For as long as the Quarantine exists, no one remembers that the Quarantined area, or anyone caught within it, exists. Memories are altered as necessary (so the new neighbours remember always being neighbours, and the office workers are sure the “12” button in the elevator was a weird construction gaffe and there never was an advertising firm on 12, and so on).

Add Time •••••: For as long as the Quarantine lasts, not only is the targeted area excised from space, it retroactively never existed at all. Any influence it, or anyone inside, had on the world is either undone or was caused by someone else. Normal history reasserts itself when the spell ends.