Arcanum: Forces
Practice: Compelling
Primary Factor: Duration
Suggested Rote Skills: Survival, Occult, Science

Initiates can guide the direction of existing forces. With this spell, the mage can control the flow of heat in the area.

While she cannot increase or create heat, the mage can direct heat from a radiator across the room to her, or pull any ambient warmth shed by car engines, human bodies, or environmental sources.

This can keep her warm in cold weather or cool in hot weather, preventing heat- or cold-related damage and Conditions caused by Extreme Environments up to Level 2.

+1 Reach: The mage can safely control the flow of heat enough to keep safe in environments up to Level 3.

+2 Reach: At this level, the mage can protect herself and others in the spell’s area from hot or cold environments up to Level 4.