Arcanum: Forces
Practice: Ruling
Primary Factor: Duration
Suggested Rote Skills: Investigation, Survival, Science

The mage focuses light entering her subject’s senses, greatly magnifying vision.

Without an Unveiling spell like Nightvision, the spell can only affect visible wavelengths.

For example, a mage using this spell on herself could look closely at a bird circling high above, or zoom in to great detail to examine a layer of dust on an object, but she couldn’t see things that would only appear under a blacklight.

If a character magnifies vision to focus on small-scale occurrences, the Storyteller may call for Intelligence + Science rolls to make sense of what she’s seeing.

Every level of Potency doubles the distance the mage can see clearly before suffering penalties, although atmospheric conditions can still cloud her view. Add Potency to dice rolls to notice small details.

+1 Reach: The subject can see clearly out to a distance of 1 mile per dot of Forces.

+1 Reach: The subject can clearly discern dust-sized particles.

+1 Reach: The subject no longer suffers penalties from atmospheric conditions.

+2 Reach: The subject can see microscopic particles, even the molecular bonds between objects.