Arcanum: Life
Practice: Weaving
Primary Factor: Duration
Withstand: Stamina
Suggested Rote Skills: Medicine, Stealth, Subterfuge

The mage may alter her subject’s body in any way, within the confines of species and age.

Rather than an illusion as with Mutable Mask, the transformation caused by this spell is entirely physical and functional — subjects can be made fertile in their new forms, be granted radically altered weight and fitness, and have poor vision or other senses corrected.

If the subject is missing organs or limbs, however, they remain gone in the new form, and injuries carry over from one form to the next.

The mage may rearrange up to the spell’s Potency in Physical Attribute dots, for example moving a dot of Strength to Stamina, but cannot change the total number of dots, bring any to 0, or raise them above the subject’s limit.

Add Time •••: The mage may change the subject’s physical age as well.