Cost: • to •••••

  • None

Your character is a member of a secret society, which can represent anything from a fraternity house or scholarly group to an organization directly controlled by an Awakened Order such as a Cryptopoly or the Labyrinth.

This Merit may also represent membership of a Nameless Order for mage not in one of the six main Orders.

Dots in this Merit act as Status for other members, as well as additional benefits defined when the Merit is first purchased.
The following are guidelines; use them to craft your own cults:

A Skill Specialty or one-dot Merit pertaining to the lessons taught to initiates.
••A one-dot Merit
•••A Skill dot or a two-dot Merit
••••A three-dot Merit
•••••A three-dot Merit or a major advantage not reflected in game traits

When this Merit would grant a character a Merit she does not qualify for (such as Awakened-only Merits or Sleepwalker-only ones), she gains the value of the reward in Merit dots instead.