Arcanum: Forces
Practice: Ruling
Primary Factor: Duration
Suggested Rote Skills: Crafts, Investigation, Science

The mage can dim or intensify existing light the spell’s area of effect, whether from an artificial or natural source.

This can cause a 40-watt bulb to shine as brightly as a floodlight or make the sunlight on an overcast day like that of a clear summer morning.
The magic modifies the light emitted by the source, and not the source or the emission itself, so this won’t cause a bulb to burn itself out or increase the heat of sunlight without other spells.

Each level of Potency in the spell doubles or halves the light’s candescence.

The spell allows the mage to focus or disperse light, and even alter its wavelength on the spectrum. She could turn a torch into a blacklight, focus a lamp’s rays into a laser, split its lights into a rainbow spectrum as though viewed through a prism, or cause a refraction effect like looking upon something in shallow water. These effects cause the Poor Light Tilt in the affected area.

+1 Reach: The spell can create a mirroring effect or complete black-out by turning all light in the area back on itself or away from onlookers. The spell imposes the Blinded Tilt in the affected area, or provides substantial cover, although as the effect is only visual the cover has no Durability.