Arcanum: Death
Practice: Weaving
Primary Factor: Duration
Suggested Rote Skills: Medicine, Crafts, Persuasion

The caster can animate a corpse, creating a loyal zombie servant

A zombie has limited mental capacity, and can understand simple one- or two-word commands and nothing more. It is a mindless, soulless construct immune to fear, pain, exhaustion, intimidation, or coercion, and follows the creator’s orders with no regard to self.

The corpse’s physical capabilities are impaired, making them slow and clumsy compared to a living person. The constructs are not suited for combat (and have no Defence), but count as Retainers worth dots equal to the spell’s Potency with a “field” relating to the mage’s commands.

Zombies have as much Health as the living creature their corpse came from had, but suffer damage as though they are under the effects of Death Mage Armour. They do not fall unconscious through damage, or bleed when filled with lethal damage, and are only destroyed when their last Health box is filled with aggravated damage.

+1 Reach: The mage may create a zombie suitable for combat. It uses its dot-rating as a dice pool for attacks, and has a Defence 3, Initiative 1, and Speed 6.

+2 Reach: The mage may spend a point of Mana to imbue the zombie with exceptional physical prowess. zombie has Defence 5, Initiative 3, and Speed 8.