When making your character, you choose three Aspirations. These are goals you wish to tackle in your character’s story.

Primarily, they exist as a way to measure and express advancement. Any time you fulfil an Aspiration, you take a Beat.
Any time you make major headway into or change the direction of a long-term Aspiration, you take a Beat.

For this reason, Aspirations should stay general and somewhat vague whenever possible.
The more specific they are, the less likely you are to actually fulfil them.

As a Storyteller, when it comes to the question of whether or not a player fulfilled an Aspiration, always lean towards allowing it.

When an Aspiration is fulfilled, after the scene you can swap it out for another one. Usually in resolving an Aspiration, another one becomes a clear choice. However, the new Aspiration doesn’t have to be related to the old one. It can just be a different goal or direction for your character, to keep things dynamic and progressing.

Also, between game sessions, you can change out Aspirations, even if they haven’t been fulfilled. Sometimes, an Aspiration reveals itself as unlikely to resolve, or just impractical to pursue.
This happens.
Feel free to change it out for something that makes more sense in the context of the story.

Aspirations also have some other game effects. For example, they can influence Social Manoeuvring.