Arcanum: Fate
Practice: Ruling
Primary Factor: Duration
Suggested Rote Skills: Investigation, Politics, Subterfuge

An Apprentice of Fate always has access to what she needs at the moment. The mage focuses on locating a particular kind of person, place, or thing, and this spell directs her steps to it unerringly as soon as possible within the next 24 hours as long as the spell remains active.

Casting the spell looking for a kind of person in a crowd or an item anywhere it could appear is usually enough to immediately succeed.

The spell can find someone with a specific Trait, occupation, or context-specific quality (e.g. “corrupt cop”), but it only locates the nearest or most available subject matching the description the mage provides, never a specific person or object (although destiny sometimes draws familiar faces together).

Alternatively, the mage gains temporary access to certain Social Merits (Ally, Contacts, Mentor, Resources, or Retainer) with a rating no greater than Potency. Fate guides her to dropped cash, unattended mundane items, or useful strangers she can easily convince to do her a quick favour.
The mage may benefit from this Merit a number of times no greater than Potency, after which the money runs out or the ally of convenience goes his own way unless the mage’s character spends Experiences to purchase the Merit.

+1 Reach: The mage locates the desired object within one hour.