Torrential rain lashes down in knives, bouncing high off the sidewalk. The sound of rain on the ground is a constant hammering rumble that goes on without end, like dropping ball bearings on a tin roof. Thick grey curtains of water obscure vision.

Environmental Tilt

Effect: Heavy rains — approaching tropical storm levels or worse — cause a Perception penalty of –3 dice to both vision and hearing. Rain’s hard to see through, but it’s also loud. If the rains carry on for an hour or more, the Flooded Tilt will soon follow. This Tilt is often accompanied by Heavy Winds; a character trapped out in Heavy Rains might come under the effects of Extreme Cold.

Causing the Tilt: Short of supernatural power or a fleet of cloud-seeding aircraft, Heavy Rain is the result of natural weather patterns.

Ending the Tilt: The best way out of the rain is to get indoors. Unless it’s the start of some sodden apocalypse, the characters can wait for the weather to ease.