Arcanum: Time
Practice: Fraying
Primary Factor: Potency
Cost: 1 Mana
Withstand: Stamina
Suggested Rote Skills: Academics, Occult, Intimidation

The mage slows his subject’s experience of time to a crawl.

To the subject, everything seems to move at dazzling speeds, while she feels like she’s caught in a dream, unable to run or punch or move properly.
She can’t even speak normally to others while affected — while from her perspective her words are clear enough, to everyone else they’re a long, impossibly drawn-out sound.

Divide the subject’s Speed by Potency, rounding down. If Speed reaches 0, the subject is effectively moving so slowly she appears rooted to the spot. While under the spell’s effect, the subject always goes last in a turn.
The subject’s Defence is also reduced by Potency

+1 Reach: For a point of Mana, the subject loses Defence against attacks.

+1 Reach: Multiply the time per roll of Extended Actions taken by the subject by Potency. The spell has no effect on the ritual casting interval of mages.